Here is five basic yoga postures that will help soothe an aching back. If you are in pain and practicing without the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher, it is best to do simple stretches and leave out the more complicated postures. Once your back is feeling better you can begin to incorporate more back strengtheners to avoid future back pain
- (Hamstring Stretch – Supta Padangustasana (2 minutes each side
Tight hamstrings can pull the pelvis out of alignment creating pain in the lower back. If you suffer from tight hamstrings, make sure to stretch them regularly
Lie on your back. If your head doesn’t rest comfortably on the floor, support it on a folded straighten the leg towards the ceilingblanket. Bend the left knee to the chest. Wrap a strap around the ball of the foot. Slowly straighten the leg toward the ceiling streching through the heel and the ball of the foot. Actively press the right thigh towards theand extend through the right heel
- (Hip Opener (2 minutes each side
This stretches the Piriformis muscle in the buttocks. It’s a great stretch for those who suffer from sciatica
Bend the knees and place the feet on the mat. Place the right foot on top of the left thigh. With the left arm hug the left leg in towards the body, with your right hand push the right knee away
- (Crocodile twist ( 1 minute each side
this twist lengthens paraspinals to increase space between vertebrae fro proper disc nourishment
Bring the knees in towards the chest and then release them to the right side. Extend the arms from the shoulders forming the letter “T”. Turn your head to the left
- (Cat/Cow ( ten times
Brings added blood supply and flexibility to spine. Relieves back tension
Start on all fours with the wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips. As you inhale lift your sitting bones and chest towards the ceiling, allowing your belly to release towards the floor. As you exhale round the spine and tuck the chin towards the chest
- (Lunges ( 1 minute each side
A lunge stretches the front thigh and psoas muscle. The psoas travels from our inner thigh to our lower back. When we sit the psoas muscle is shortened throwing our spine out of alignment. This creates tension which can cause lower back pain
Come to all fours ( hands and knees). Place the right foot between the hands. Ground downwards through the right foot and then lift your hands to your thigh. Maintain a long spine and lunge deeply
Once your back feels better incorporate these two back strengtheners into your routine
- (Dandasana ( 1 minute
This is a great back strengthener
Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and the arms stretched overhead. Actively press downward through your inner thighs and lift the back and upper torso out of the pelvis. If your back is rounded sit on a folded blanket
- (Salabhasana ( 1 minute
Strengthens the muscles of the upper back
Lie on your belly with your arms alongside your torso, palms facing up, and the forehead resting on the floor. Roll your tailbone towards your heels lengthening the lower back. Exhale and lift your head, upper
torso, arms, and legs up off of the floor. Let the shoulder blades glide towards the spine. Stretch back actively though your fingertips and engage the muscles of your legs
- Savasana
wrote talia freeman