yoga tel aviv

In a city where the people never sleep, places are constantly changing, and bars open and close at a crazy pace, yoga in tel aviv offers a calm retreat where we can disconnect from the chaos while staying close to home. Yoga in Tel Aviv is like taking a trip to the north of the country, where we suddenly feel more peaceful, relaxed, and leave with a feeling of renewal.
This is the purpose of Yoga in tel aviv, to move beyond the chaos of everyday life and turn our awareness inwards, to refocus our energy towards important things, and participate fully in each moment of happiness that life offers. Yoga in Tel Aviv has developed in recent years. Through a combination of stretching and strengthening the muscles, Yoga quiets the mind allowing each student to find a sense of inner peace. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular because it is non competitive, with no need to get anywhere or accomplish a specific goal.

love and warmth

Yoga in Tel Aviv opens it’s door and invites you in with love and warmth. Most of the people who practice yoga in Tel Aviv are pious Tel Avivits. They do not need to leave the city to find peace but rather love Tel Aviv’s accessibility, the bikes, the noise in Rothschild ST, the sea, and the city’s open atmosphere where everything is possible. It’s also important to note that Tel Aviv’s Yoga practitioners came in thousands to the city’s demonstration for social justice. In Tel Aviv, with all the good it has to offer, there is also many who suffer difficulties, hardships, and poverty. Yoga in Tel Aviv has taken an active role in contributing to the community by offering free lessons to those in need, children with learning disabilities, and battered woman.

The practice of yoga is certainly not limited to what we do on our yoga matts. It is just the beginning of Yoga in Tel Aviv. While it has been on the radar for years, we have no doubt that it will continue to develop and expand to other institutions such as schools, health facilities, and more. Yoga in Tel Aviv is beginning to parallel Yoga in New York, where statistics have shown that every fourth person practices yoga.

Yoga studio in Tel Aviv

Prana Yoga in Tel Aviv is located on 79 Ben Guryon Ave. It is a magical place that has existed since 2003. It offers more than 35 classes spread throughout the week.

Our Second branch is in Givattayim, in 19 Vaitzman st., and there you will find over 30 more classes. It both holds classes at different levels as well as many different styles of yoga including workshops, meditation, prenatal yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Vijnana, and more. This quite corner of the city is for everyone. You are welcome to .come and practice yoga with love

:Yoga Classes in English

Prana offers a classe in English with Eddy Toyonaga. Eddy teaches a strong Power Vinyasa to the sound of music. The class is for all-levels

.In Prana Tel Aviv- Monday at 08:30, Thursday at 17:00, and on Friday at 13:45

.In Prana Givattayim- on Thursday at 08:15, Wednesday at 20:30 and Friday at 08:30

Beyond that, you are welcome to all of the classes in our time table, and integrate them with the help of our teachers, who would love to make the classes accessible for English .speakers

!Hope to see you in the studio

Welcome to Tel Aviv – Yoga Tel Aviv

Yoga is a way of life that accompanies many people in Israel in general and in Tel Aviv in particular. In the hectic race of life that each of us lives in, it's just perfect that we have the option to combine yoga activity at least two or three times a week. We at Yoga Prana believe that everyone can influence his life for the better by incorporating Yoga and are here to help you adopt them to you. The studio is located at 79 Ben Gurion Boulevard in Tel Aviv. Our wonderful team will be happy to accept you with love, to combine you in your first class naturally and to guide you with everything you need.

For whom does Yoga fit?

Unequivocal yoga is suitable for all ages. There are classes for all ages and others for different age groups. This does not mean that yoga is not suitable for certain ages, but that the training is adapted to the same age group and its physical abilities. In addition, in the case of any medical problems, it is recommended that you update your instructor or counselor in advance so that they will update you during the course of the lesson in corrections to different poses or exercises according to the existing physical towels.

Different Types of Yoga

The various yoga methods are called "asanas". The basis of yoga is the same base but different asanas have different exercises and different control of the end of the breath, depending on the order of the exercises of the same method. You have to choose your preferred method and occasionally try other methods as well. While Ashtanga yoga, for example, combines challenging physical activity, we also have the Iyengar Yoga method, for example, which seeks precision and combines different equipment.

How to begin?

We believe that yoga is a process worth getting into very slowly. You may feel amazing at first and you may feel tired and muscular and you will have to give yourself some more time. It is worth starting from a basic lesson that teaches the basics of yoga, concepts, basic techniques and breathing methods during lessons. From there it is advisable to continue consulting our professional staff for a number of additional lessons, as continuous as possible (at least two or three times during the week) and from there to advance to choose your preferred yoga style and to integrate into your favorite teacher's classes.